Find information about securities like stocks, currencies, and futures. This truism certainly applies individually to tech titans Alphabet (NASDAQ:GOOG) (NASDAQ:GOOGL) and Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) at different points in their respective corporate. Find real-time securities quotes, charts, and financial news with Google Finance.

"sp": "You don't get to $300 billion without overcoming your fair share of problems. "usg": "AFQjCNHfaafHtJPn5GWu-6RiVG_J_1TYUw", "t": "Alphabet Inc (GOOG) CEO Lawrence Page Sells 33332 Shares", "sp": "Alphabet logo Alphabet Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) CEO Lawrence Page sold 33,332 shares of the firm's stock in a transaction dated Tuesday, March 22nd.", "usg": "AFQjCNEndnF6ktTO4yZ7DO6VWNNKuNLRqA", > print json.dumps(getNews("GOOG"), indent=2) "LastTradeDateTimeLong": "Mar 3, 1:30PM GMT+1", "LastTradeDateTimeLong": "Mar 3, 4:02PM EST", > print json.dumps(getQuotes(), indent=2) "LastTradeDateTimeLong": "Mar 2, 4:04PM EST", print json.dumps(getQuotes('AAPL'), indent=2)